I don't know what is happening to my life .
I simply just couldn't communicate with my family
I tried but just neither of us willingly to sit down and have a talk
They said i have changed , but i doesn't agreed .
I thinks its they the one who doesn't understands me
I long wanted to voiced out but my hearts , told me to not
I wanted to be 21 yrs old , i want to moved back to my sengkang flat .
I wanted a proper family , i hated the feeling of being the burden .
I felt so extra . Why must i be the who suffered so much ?
Basically , don't judged my looks my attitude my friends
my life because sometimes they might be deceiving .
Who is willingly to be my listening ear ?
Goshhh , why am i thinking stuffs that is too much for a child ?
perharps i need a consulting , God bless me .
Sorry for my dead blog , will post after MYE
will have a proper post . Patched up things with Kitty .
Thursday 22 - Ends school , went slacked with Jessie
Firday 23 - Same routine .
Saturday 25 -
Celebrated Mr Concencao Bday , Meet Jessie Phillip , Went to plaza pooling .
Went Kitty's house played . Its a great day , afterall ♥ ( I Misses the past , Enjoyed the present )
Sunday 26 - Prayed Mum , homed and studyed .
Goodbye . Sweets
Monday, April 26, 2010
GorgeousBabes , Good-lookingGuys
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
I Love Jessiee (L)
She might not be pretty to you , or smart to you .
But to me she is just a fucking cute senior .
She is an Lao gao and A big boobs bitch
Today , she waited for me ended class and we went to slacked
we went hougang mall because i wanted to pierce Tragus !
but tomorrow got detention so , gave it a miss .
Jessie and I wanted pierce our tongue during holidays .
Went over to Compasspoint , to meet her friends
all badbad uhh , does badbad stuffs .
Saw Rifqi , he is as cute as ever >
Sunday, April 18, 2010
I Loved him .
Ohh ya because that time Edwin used my phone in front of Ms Neo
and she confisciated it >[[[
I am reading through the msgs from Calvin ,
urghh i miss him ): He is so sweet and loving .
We that time took a picture of us kissing , he asked me to post on my blog after 1st month
before 1st month jiu break le ):
He said he scared i sec 1 break with him , but its was him who broke with me .
When he msg me for breakup , i actually cried .
I don't cry usually espcially for boys , i sweared it the first and last time .
I know many must say imma hongster , but i really loved him .
Fcukup Love , i hate it -'-
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Funfair Carnival is great ^^
Friday, April 16, 2010
My heart pounds hard , sweating cold sweats , face blushed . When I saw you .
The good things between us that I still remembers.
They repeatedly emphasize themselves daily in my thoughts.
The good things between us that I still cling on to.
I'm stuck with thoughts of you being a very good person.While the bad things I don't remember , the things you had done.
I never remembers them, and never kept them at heart. I don't understand myself at all.
And it had been like this, that renders me unable to forget it.
I'm still thinking sincerely and honestly that you had ever love me.
And it had been like this, that I'm in pain like that.
If I could remember the scene of you abandoning me.
And that's probably easier for me to forget you.
The good things between us are deeply hurting me in my heart.
The more I remembers them the more they hurt exceedingly.
While the bad things I don't remember,. the things you had done.
I never remembers them, and never kept them at heart. I don't understand myself at all.
And it had been like this, that renders me unable to forget it.
I'm still thinking sincerely and honestly that you had ever love me.
And it had been like this, that I'm in pain like that.
If I could remember the scene of you abandoning me.
And that's probably easier for me to forget you.
And it had been like this, that renders me unable to forget it.
I'm still thinking sincerely and honestly that you had ever love me.
And it had been like this, that I'm in pain like that.
If I could remember the scene of you abandoning me.
And that's probably easier for me to forget you.
/ : Credits to Liwen
I belong to him ,
ETMC's My Property .
I din't know whether i love him anot .
All i know is he treats me very good unlike other guys
I think i din't trust love and doubt it as Calvin leaves a phobia for me .
I am trying my very best to forget him , but when its comes to Love
I will always remember the pains i got from it .
I also become more and more lesbian - tic .
I'm afraid i might be a lesbian in the future . God bless me
Etc . I love kissing my senior ( Lips , Tongue )
You many find it gross , but to me it was perfectly NORMAL .
I mean if its a guy , propably not . But she is a female .
I treated kiss as " English style " if the caucasians can do it .
Why not Singaporeans do it ?
I not those type of typical girls , what nonsense " First Kiss "
Wears all those coloured hairbands and bands in school ,
flirting with boys , simply behaved as an " Ah lian "
Even though , many called me a gangster girl
I am trying to change to be a better girl with great future and sucessful life .
I could imagine 10 years later ,
I would be wild , clubbing
Working for myself , raised up myself , leading my life whole-heartedly
Overcome problems , enjoying life .
Find a guy/girl and together .
P/s : I din't really mind to be a lesbian , as i'm not so traditional mind . ^^
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Meiyoumao !!

I'm gonna buybuybuyy it .
Thursday, April 8, 2010
I dreamt of an prince , rescued me from mine's nightmare .
Just a typical thursday , was late again .
Its the 9th times from January to April , God bless me not to get an detention .
After school , got a committee meeting
1E1 is it really united ? There are 23 people in the committe yet only half came .
Teachers are really biased and buyers , i regretted for coming to Skss
I should have gone to Hgss or Gdss .
I was rude to Ms Lin (form teacher) , i shall apologise tomorrow .
I hate myself for treating good teachers rude >[[[
After Yuanting , ends her stuffs .
Peiyi , Bernise , Yuanting , Josson and Me
went to compasspoint to have our lunch KFC .
Was laughing madly , people must have pondered 'Are they mad ?'
After departed with josson .
We played hide-and-seek @ compasspoint .
Went montip , was choosing stuff and i clumsy bumped into Yuanting
I said 'Sorry , sorry' , then a girl from CHIJ sang the song 'Sorry'
I was thinking , she so guailan .
Then when she leave , she walk past me and said 'Not happy come find me laa !'
I ignored her , not because i was scared is 多一事比如少一事 .
Bernise and I send , Yuanting and Peiyi to the bus-stop .
Bernise accompanyed me waited for bus 83 ,
out of boredom we took pictures , and camwhored
as i loved that cute ribbon hairband of mine which i bought it for 5.90$
Now , i'm broked .....
Got a group of NVSS girls walked pass us , got 1 girl asked another girl
'Who is that girl ?(refering to me)' Laughoutloud ==
Why am i keep offending people ? ,
I asked many people "What is the first impression of me ?"
everyone said 'Ah lian' . They said is because of my image .
So should i blamed my parents for giving me such look ?
Sighh , I'm trying to get rid of the 'Ah lian impression' >:
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Ohmymama , i've a pimple !!!
Nothing much , just for fun ^^
Hellohellohello , readers <: Arhh ... I got a bigbig pimple on my forehead for the first time Schooling days suckstothemaxxx , I don't want wake upp T.T Recently , was late . Got lectured from teachers Homeworks has been greeting me often and stacking up like a mountain !! Got a ah lian , say i step yi ge ? She was th one who get caught from teachers , and everyone knows she is ah lian yet she claimed herself friendly ? she failed all her subjects and in Na class , i'm not saying Na class are bad just enforcing S he wears short skirt , tongue piercing , smoke , chup gang What a joke ! She dares to gossip behind my back , why not talk to my face ? I don't understands why youngsters likes to be gangsters ? You have a bright future and why are you ruining it yourself ? Think wisely ... Alrights nothing much , life's typical . Byebyes :DDDDD
Sunday, April 4, 2010
He thought it had been discounted but I don't think so .
He asked me go ask the salesman but i am SCARE !!!
But end up , i bought it Edwin lend me 10$
My 20 dollars flyflyflyyy away ):
Today , went to pray in the morning
then went to Aunt Reyna's salon at Holland .
Reborned my hair and cutted bangss :DDDDDD
So happyhapppyyy , it was FOC .
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Wednesday-Friday : As usual , schoolingg days . Friday pon school , as i cannot wake up .
Meet cousin @ hougang , had lunch then went to hg plaza KTV .
When i was in the ladies , a waiter asked for her phone number . But my cousin didn't gave
i think the person must be BlIND to asked for her number :D
Monday-Thursday : Schooling days .
Yesterday , which is Friday .
asked Kitty out for pool
She bought 1 friend which is Garrick , he is very quiet and shy .
Many people at there , we book for 8ft pool table .
Saw Liwen and her friend too
But Garrick is leaving so we played billard first .
Didn't really played , cause i don't want embarress myself ><>[