Thursday, March 16, 2017

Always spare someone somemore

I wish I knew what was going on in people minds when they harbor thoughts like "why bother?", "it's pointless", "forget it". How easily it was for people to give up on you when you stop being the person they used to enjoy with? It was never fair, but hasn't relationship taught us that its never meant to be self-absorbing, calculative? Putting my heart and soul into something and someone I truly cared and loved for even if at the end of the day, it's never well received. It's okay, isn't it?

It pains me how people give up at the toughest battles because it's always about individuality first then comes relationships.  It's so saddening how people perceives that their love was enough so there's no point in loving more for an entity who does not know how to reciprocate.
Who were the ones came out with the quota of giving? Who came up with how much one should ought to do before they stop?
You stop when your willpower fails you. When your desperation in self love is greater than your love for anyone/anything. I'm not implying to a toxic relationship that should have been ended before it pose as an threat in your wellbeing. I'm asking for more consideration, empathy, attention. Instead of occupying 24/7 for your own welfare, spare a little more than average for that special one.

I only fight for something/someone when I truly believed in it.
If you never once believe in it, precisely there's no point in wasting efforts because it will always be futile. If you believe in it, you come to consensus that it's okay if never worked out but the person once felt it so overwhelming then it's alright.

Worth it? Based on what measures do one weigh? Not others' opinions, not r/s goals.
It's worth it when it's a o strong that it lifts you up.

I'm so confused yet grateful by how you once taught me what kindness truly meant, what love felt like. Thank you for your greatest upbringing yet it brought me to see how the minds of others were never on the same string.

i wish i was the same so it's never so difficult

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