Monday, July 14, 2014


Sometimes I really wondered am I such a bad and horrible person that everyone dislikes? Is my character/words/actions really suck so badly? Why do I always feel that no one really likes me for who I am? Why do I always feel that no one is ever supportive or feel happy for me?
Am I like what you always proclaimed? So I'm actually a burden for you?
Why does everyone makes me doubt myself so much? I doubt that I can ever be good for anyone.
Sometimes its just so bad for me, its like my existence is a mistake? Like how my dad dumps me, my mom dumps me and now my aunt dumps me? Is there really no place for me to belong?

I really didn't meant to hide nor lie, I wish i could be frank but how to? I have so so many questions but who can tell me the answers?

Ma, I wish you can know this. I wish you know how much I miss you and how much I needed you badly even after 5 years. I hate why God must do this to me, to take away my closest kin. Sometimes, I wish I could take your position so that you will know how to help Ganma and bring this family back together. And because like what everyone says your presence is always the best, I am just nothing but a shame towards you. I am incomparable with you, because I am not good enough. I wish you are here to tell me what to do and not dump me into this world and making me face everything. How long more will this take before we are all back together? Please show me the light and guidance, please give Ganma all the support and faith.

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