Monday, August 30, 2010

I knows its abit too late or maybe perharps all these movies are already over
 but I wanna catch these movies. ):
Asking Aunty to get it from JB soon, anyone cares to watch it with me?
Free flow of tibits and drinks!

Into nude

Top 5 places that I want to visit:
  • New York City
  • Maldives
  • California
  • Paris
  • Egypt
Recent activites that I have done:
  • Town w family <3
  • Baking sessions
  • Family outings

Friday, August 20, 2010

Faced with confusions

Have your ever experience that feeling when you're emotional and physically unable to help your friends?      
When I know my friends are having some problems, I don't know whether to help or not.
I know as a friend, I should tried my best to help them.
But sometimes, I just could not put up myself to help them, and fickle should I help or not.
But our ways of solving is different, I solved it by finding the roots of the problem and not just temporary solving it.

For example, one of my bff experienced family conflicts.
She assumed that her family did not trust her and checks her stuffs.
But she was at fault too, as a 13-years-old teen should not hurls vulgarities.
Instead of learning from her mistakes, she thought that it was correct and continue her way.
I tried to talk through sense in her, but to no avail.
Firstly, if I was her I would come up with questions.
- What did I do to cause my family not be able to trust me?
- Am I a reliable person? If I am, why doesn't my family trust me?
- What can I do to make them trust me?
- Is my surroundings a bad or good influence?
- Did I changed?
- Am I matured enough for them to trust me?

That was my way of changing. I changed once I came up with logical answers.
Both of them (her, and her family) is not at fault.
The family should have communicated as she is much younger and teenagers tends to make more mistakes than adults. Its better for them to know their mistakes, if not they will make bigger mistakes instead of learning from their mistakes. I believed both of them had a good intention.

  • Give child more freedom but also restrict them
  • Reason it out with child
  • Communicate with child
  • Improve relationship
  • Shows the child your intention
  • Able know right or wrong
  • Be mature
  • Think wisely
  • Understand your family if you was in their shoes
Hopefully, she will read this post of mine. You know who you are dear, I really don't want to see you transform into some ahlians. I don't know what to do. So contradicting... I feel so lost...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

- I can touch my nose with my tongue

- I will take by all means to achieve my goal

- I can be super noisy and the next moment I can be silent

- I hate people asking me whether I sad/emo whenever I am quiet

- I have an irregular body clock

- I dislikes girls who claimed that they are JUST talking to boys but actually touching, beating or flirting with them. Which is so gross!

- I dislikes people who boast about things that is nothing to be proud of

- I tends to stress myself out by thinking things that are not suitable for me

- I hate me questioning people me about my birth, my name etc

- I have the motivation to drive myself

- I loves to dig out peoples' life

- I thinks that junk food are sinful pleasant

That's all for today. I goddy bored hence I came up with some boring stuffs about myself.
Alamak! Cannot concentrate on my formal letter!! Hooked up on net!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Am a busy bee

Phew~ Common test is finally ended. Hopefully, I would not flunk any subjects.
But least there is something for me to be happy, I did not fail the god-damn-ass science! Got A2, need 1 more mark to be A1. I also did not screw maths! Which is happy x2!
But my results is like crummy? Gonna start mugging for my eoy! No more last minute work!

Schooling days, is great too. Even though, I had a hard time getting of my bed it is still fun!
Homework is piling up like a hill and I'm fighting to conquer this hill!

Teachers were being great too, apart from some teachers who are goddy sarcastic.
Here I am ranting about this particular person, our dear co-form commanded us to stand on the table and chairs during his music lesson which I see no point doing it, it will only resulting to our dirty chairs and table.
For those who did not bought his music file, would have to do silly punishments like squats and jumping jacks. Whereas, a fierce teacher would issued a pink form or whatever rather than doing some hassle things. He also disapprove us to wear pe attire during assembly, and guess what is his reason? B'coz we are teens and we are going thru purberty so the boys will see see girls; girls will see see boy. No logical, even we do not think that way. So why on earth did he thought that way? If pe shirt is not meant to be wore, so what for to wear? Might as well, we wear armour to school.

In addition, he is goddy sarcastic. He would often uses peoples' flaws to arrow them. He often rolled his eyes to his students, which I think it is not advisable for teachers as it is rude. He shows no respect for students and I does not see the point to respect him. Even though, he had good intention but the way he express himself is totally dissatisfactory. He could not have communication with students, so how does he expect us to understand his thoughts?

Enough of ranting. Makes me sounds like a long-winded ah ma.
Will be updating.