Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Am a busy bee

Phew~ Common test is finally ended. Hopefully, I would not flunk any subjects.
But least there is something for me to be happy, I did not fail the god-damn-ass science! Got A2, need 1 more mark to be A1. I also did not screw maths! Which is happy x2!
But my results is like crummy? Gonna start mugging for my eoy! No more last minute work!

Schooling days, is great too. Even though, I had a hard time getting of my bed it is still fun!
Homework is piling up like a hill and I'm fighting to conquer this hill!

Teachers were being great too, apart from some teachers who are goddy sarcastic.
Here I am ranting about this particular person, our dear co-form commanded us to stand on the table and chairs during his music lesson which I see no point doing it, it will only resulting to our dirty chairs and table.
For those who did not bought his music file, would have to do silly punishments like squats and jumping jacks. Whereas, a fierce teacher would issued a pink form or whatever rather than doing some hassle things. He also disapprove us to wear pe attire during assembly, and guess what is his reason? B'coz we are teens and we are going thru purberty so the boys will see see girls; girls will see see boy. No logical, even we do not think that way. So why on earth did he thought that way? If pe shirt is not meant to be wore, so what for to wear? Might as well, we wear armour to school.

In addition, he is goddy sarcastic. He would often uses peoples' flaws to arrow them. He often rolled his eyes to his students, which I think it is not advisable for teachers as it is rude. He shows no respect for students and I does not see the point to respect him. Even though, he had good intention but the way he express himself is totally dissatisfactory. He could not have communication with students, so how does he expect us to understand his thoughts?

Enough of ranting. Makes me sounds like a long-winded ah ma.
Will be updating.

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