Wednesday, July 21, 2010

School Life.

Schooling is rather busy for me.
Even though, emotionally I am not tired but physically I am tired.
Trying to rest at home instead of going out, it is just a waste of money.
Further more, there is nothing I need.
I'll try to hand in my works on time and give 0 chances for teachers to scold me.
Of course, I'm paying more attention and shooting questions to teachers like a machine gun.

I am so glad with myself for no longer being late for school (:
I late for the bloody hell 1st time in this semester!! Spoilt my attendance!
I no longer falling asleep during boring lessons (:
I am reading some English books, hopefully my English will improve.
But I still need to brush up my pronunciation, my way of writing and my attitude towards studies.

Things are going smoothly and I'm delight!
Friends, Family and Studies.
I am balancing my time with my friends and studies. And I hope my friends would understand me, by not asking me out for those useless slacking sessions and wasting time sessions (:
And yes, family has been awesome too, no more conflicts and arguements.
The relationships is also better (:
Speaking of studies, common test is in August!
Yes, I am nervous. Because this is the chance I can prove to others.
I can study and I am not those useless youngsters out there.
Yes! Kee Jiya, you can do it!
Prove yourself that you live up with your name! Do us proud! :D

Recently, had been spending times with Yuanting.
Not gossiping sessions neither is it slacking sessions.
But studying sessions, we have been spending times doing works and discussions together.
She has been a real help to me.
I feel a sense of accomplishment after solving some particular problems!
But I am nothing to her, I couldn't help her and I am dragging her behind. I feel bad too.
Hence, I would like to thanks her for all the helps and the support.
Lastly, I love studying with her. So great! (:

I have realised 2010 had passed so fast.
In a blink of eye, 7 months has passed... and my mum's 1 year death aniversary is around the corner.
I wondered how is she? Is she happy up there?
I hope she would be able see me doing fine and rest assured.
Blissed with love. (:

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