Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Its 5.33am now.
and i be gone in a second
Baby ton-ed th nite w me till 4.00am
coz his mum 5.00am wake up DD:
Argh... buhbye guys !!
will buy ur gifts de xD
Andand Baby nvr reply my msg >[>[
qi si wo le ! Laughsoutloud
Nehhmind, he is fast asleep lyk a pig :X
i dun1 disturb him, mking him feeling i'm a nuisance
Baby, i miss you ttm la! thanks fr sacrfri ur slp to pei me ^^
and wen back in sg, will msg you de fangxin ;DD
Byes b'frenz and g'frenz,
see ya soon! aku fcking miss & love your derhs
Hahas, my slogan ><

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