Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hoho xD
imma so engrossed wif my pink ds now ^^
actually not mine my aunt bought for my sis,
but i very badbad evrytime ply dun giv her ply (teehee :P)
Recently, have been ton-ing th nites
well, nt plying lappie, ds, ipod, teevee
Imma thinking abt my past,present,future
Oh ya, went its 7am
i took a scroll in my neighbourhood
wondering peoples, things
I realise my path ahead of me, is full of obstenics
and if i took dis way, i'll nt be able to walk back
so every steps is important.
Althought i might fall, but i muz be strong pull myself up

Myy appointments -
9`12: Bbq and escape
14`12: Pooling
16-19`12: Sunway logoon (malaysia)
22`12: Outcome of sec1 sch
23`12: Report to my sec
25-28`12: Chalet @ downtown east
Really hope, that my Bff would be able to go out
and take neoprints as a memory ;DD
Fiora`Laopo :
She my damn damn damn gd frenz
i love her, and she love me (so envy bah, guys)
She always by my side supporting me,
and a good listening ear.
she is joker too, whenever imma upsets
she th one who can always cheer me up ^^
once a best friend, always a best friend
we might nt go th same sch, but our hearts will always be tgt.

She is a math pro & chinese pro, dun look down on her >[
but her brains is square derhs, cannot flexible -.-
Thats is her, and i love it
well, we always scold her for lending us money
and say her patheic yea.
Andand she's a taiwan maniac !
spending most of her time, watching taiwan dramas/shows
so her blog is DEAD -.-
Hate to call her, coz she evrytime say byebye -.-
yeah, impatient luhhs
But i wonders why her studies so gd?

3 yrs of friendship and counting on.
evrytime ton the nite wif her, on th phone
gossiping, chatting, boys, clothes ^^
She damn poor thing yea,
spending her life in prison.
Yeah, she cant go out of her hus even sch holidays
no phone no pc, even when she ply ds
her mum kpkb >[
fcuking hate her mum yea.
She damn cute, and her hair muz is th most neat among us
God, fcuk off her parents yea? giv her freedom
coz she is lil gd gd gd girl ^^

Pro netballer yea, tall and black

anyways, black skin means heathly okays ! not bangala ><
love th time, when we chatting abt boys
cracking jokes, gossip
And, i do love her? Do you?
(not by rankings)
imma childish yea, but tats i am :DD

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