Wednesday, September 9, 2009

went hubby's house wif xuewei,junyan and samuel
after suppl,we go compasspoint eat mcdonalds
tat samuel eat so slow,den like char bor
eat finish muz go wash hand den use tissue paper clean
Take 163 go his house take his psp and recoder??
den take 163 agin go hubby's house,
saw his mum and dad (so paiseh)
they find de music thingy,
"let the rafters ring"so hard to find lor
den they find find till everyone ply psp ply pc =.=
i only girl so sianz go ther sit ther nia
Last sunday,went ah ma's house 拜拜
my cousin(kor) sick so poor thing
den my family members still ask him go down burn incense papers
den come up fever back lexx
the kids,me and his sis in the room
i tell my aunt he fever back
she say"children come out,ltr korkor spread virus!"
his sis heard it and veri no happy
my aunt this time really over-do
if her kids running high fever, jiu go hospital
but my korkor nobody cares
only me and his sis
Usually,i go ah ma house
we always fight and quarrel
but this time i was different,
i take care him put towel on his forehead,
stop him from smoking :x,ask him go have a cold bath
oso dunno why i like this?

ps:An unfair world,family

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