Tuesday, October 25, 2016

"An excuse"

For unable to divulge my soul because I forgot how to. For not sharing about myself because vulnerability is my biggest fear. For trusting in people and genuine love yet it fails me time and again. For unable to accept anything out of kindness because I don't know how to. For treating every heartfelt actions as mere gesture because it wouldn't hurt that much if it wasn't real. 

Yet, it's deem as an excuse?

An excuse that I cooked up because I'm selfish. Because others don't matter. Because I'm the heartless bitch who is unappreciative and ungrateful. 
Because you were never once in my shoes, you have never ever walk the same miles as I did, you will never truly understand my experience let only my emotions. You can always try to sympathize but that will never be the same because you are NOT me. 
So how are you in the position to say that it's an excuse?

Just because of your ignorance towards me, you view it as an excuse. So isn't it the same as you putting the word "excuse" on me as your excuse because you are unable to understand me the way you wish you could? For saying that I'm the "excuse" as I chose not to share for your excuse. 

This is why I'm so done with people. How dare you to have the audacity to bang on one's door and expecting the other party to open? Maybe, you don't think it's "barging" instead it's "politely requesting". 
Is that my fault again? For refusing to acknowledge your goodwill and kindness by being a stuck up bitch. 

Variation. Some behaviors/tones/moods may differ from one another because everyone feels differently and have fucking different perspective. As much I wish that i have the same neurons as everyone so that it will always be an instant "click", but thats often not the case right? That's why it's so hard to find that "love of your life" or the "right partner" which both of you shares the similar understanding not just towards each other but also towards other things in life so you can walk the rest of your lives together happily. 
Just because you apply the way you think it should be, it does not guarantee that the receiving party will feel it in the same sense. 

So how could I be the only one at fault? When it's never about whose being the selfish one because it's just different heartstring being strung? 

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