Sunday, March 8, 2015

Frustrating day

So frustrated with today.
Firstly, I forget to bring my keys out cos I changed to a wallet and didn't realized that until I reach my doorstep. So the dumb me had to wait at the staircase until my family came home.... URGH so frustrated with my absent mindedness!! Thankfully I'm not so forgetful and it's probably the second time I forgotten my keys. Hopefully I don't jinx myself.
Secondly, I really hate how my aunt is trying to make me feel. Well, she succeeded cos I really feel so annoyed and upset zzz. I really don't understand why even up till now she is still bugging me about the money for my ip6 even though the ip5 has already fetch $100 to make up for the cost price... Although it isn't enough to cover up the cost but at least better than nothing right... Why must she keep insisting on me to fork up my own money? Yes, she want me to know how is it like to earn what I want... But yes I do understand that. The money I earned wasn't even to pamper myself, it's probably meant for socializing expenses.. Just because I'm working? Just because I have another source of income which I work hard for my own additional expense? Do you really have to drive me the wall? I hate how she is trying to direct her sorrows to the family while also trying to include me in it... I understand her so well and her mind plan... But it's not as though I don't feel bad about it but I just don't know what to do about it... 
Thirdly, I hate how I can differentiate geniune concern and masked concern. Both are good cos it's about caring. There's a difference between real care and fake care. To me, caring is about doing it subsicously cos the person or that issue mattered so much to you. It's about your feelings, your views, your reaction towards the certain issue/person. It's not only doing so when you have ability like when/where you can... It's not selectively.. It's not choosing when to do, cos if so, it's not concern anymore. It's masked concern that people subsicously do to make themselves appear that they are caring to lessen the guilt that they will feel, to enhance their angelic self when deep down inside that isn't their real self. It's the character that they feed on for their self gratification. Sigh. Hate myself for able to feel the difference cos honestly, it's not a good feeling.

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