Saturday, July 20, 2013

Random musings

Initially, I was preparing to start on my work then I got distracted. I began to open my cupboard which is filled with kind words and encouraging messages. As I was reading through the letters/post its/cards that I received from over the years, it brought a wide smile across my face and I never felt so happy before. It was the genuine care and love that people have for one another. Although it might be just a few simple words that people have abused or even the handwriting that rushed thru, I never knew it can mean so much. I'm really enjoying the aftermath of reading heartwarming and lovely messages. Again, it has proven me that human are not that hypocrite and gives me hope in trusting and loving people around me. Some of these messages that I had received were even from people that I walk past everyday without glancing or even my ex-classmates when we used to have so much fun together and now we barely even look into each other's eyes. It makes me feel very guilty of myself. Why have I taken all these people for granted? Why was I so selfish to portray my negativity and affect people around me? Writing a simple card takes barely a few mins and I realized the number of times I have handwritten a card was less than 5.. How shameful.. It's such a simple joy in life to receive nice and positive words from people. I am so thankful to received cards from people I can't even bothered to start with. People who just bypassed my life and yet bother to left down such simple yet impactful words to me. Yet I don't even do it myself, often in my head I bare a "I'm not such a person" excuse and welcome life. But in fact I'm wrong, yes it may be difficult for me, but the smile when people receive your card is just priceless. So many times, we take writing of cards to people as a hassle, something that we just want to rush through. But in fact, writing a card is not as simple as it is, conveying your thoughts that you wish to bring across to the other person is not that easy. Also, things that are handwritten really differentiate how thoughtful and sincere you are. Words are interesting, it allows you to fall into a trap if you spoke the wrong thing and yet it can bring upon magical experiences to the receiver. Words are the most handy tool for us to generate kind thoughts to others, providing us the most comfortable platform to express ourselves. To me, words that came from the bottom of the heart meant the most. I don't need fancy compliments, I need someone who can point out my imperfections and perfections. Tonight is a great night, a night that allows me for self-reflection and self-clarification. Nights like this is was I appreciate the most, alone times with mind flooding with philosophy of life. I wish I can be a better person never than before. So from today, lets start by writing small cards to people around you and bringing joy to everyone with a smile. 

Till then X

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