Friday, October 14, 2011


Okay, before I get started. I wanna announce that my exams are officially over!! HELL YEAH
So I'm blogging this very very backtracked post of mine...
Its during last year's December where I went to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia for a short getaway with my family!
See all the bits of love I have gotten! I am so blessed! I am never for once getting all these for grateful. So appreciative for my dearest family. Thank you for bringing me up! 

After a few hours of bumpy car ride, we finally reached KL!!
The adults are doing the checking of our hotels while we took a breather.
That's my cute granny and dearest aunt~

It was xmas when we went so hence the big Christmas tree.
Its October now and soon it's going to be Christmas again, how fast time files~
(Sorry for not updating my blog too!!!)

We went to have Madam Kwan's for dinner!
Not very tasty and satisfying as far as I remembered..

Day 2!
We went the famous Twin Tower and visited the Aquarium.
So startled by all the wonderful creatures of the nature.
If only, people start to realize how beautiful the world is...


Last day in KL, I shall sum it all up.
  • ATE
Its a pretty good trip afterall! We get to bond and everyone just fork some time to spend around. Time is well spent and everyone had a good time. This is why my family rocks!
The highlight of the trip which has got to do with me though is A SURPRISE BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION!
I remembered how I shamelessly asked my aunt to do me a surprise and little did I know I really got a BIG surprise. We sang karaoke and suddenly, the song changed to a birthday song. My cousin (Adeline) came in the room with pretty pretty cupcakes topped with candles.
It was really sneaky for them and I really appreciated it so so much!
I cannot even count my blessings!

/PS: I know the photos are not in correct order and I'm too lazy to changed
//PS: I know this blogpost is kinda of screwed.. but hey! I tried my best. Gimme some time, I'll do better!

See y'll again!!
My next post is coming up very soon!!

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