Sunday, April 10, 2011

10 April 2011

Been ages since I last drop by this space.
I'm a secondary 2 student, mid year examinations is appoarching so time to me is to MUG.
I know I sounds like a sec 4 student with upcoming O levels, apparently I can't cope with my studies.
Thanks goodness, I have iPhone to accompany me.
Add me up at @Nicolecheeze I'm a active tweeter than blogger.
Can't stand the picture codes in blogger xxx drivin' me mad
I will blog if a smart ass geek helps me with it, I will be sooo ohhhh thankful.

Can't wait fo' my mye to ends, I'm going off to Taiwan in June for a shopping spree ^__^
In order to shop like it's the end of the world, you'll need $$$$
so I must stick to my saving plan must stick to my saving plan must stick to my saving plan
I want all the clothes from f21, topshop and blogshops' clothes to be in my closet. Can't get enough of em'!!!
My life is so bore, I hardly hits town nowadays.
Reasons= no money and no time. As a result, I becomes a stay-at-home-everyday kid.

I still love blogging!! <3<3<3
I'll promise to sort all the picture codes out and
Get back to blogging ASAP!

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