Friday, June 4, 2010

我不是你想象中那么建強,对不起。I can faked a smile and continue , if thats all what you want .

I remember the time when we first met .
It was because of netball , when i went for the basketball trial .
I was about to shoot , suddenly you pop out and say " Oi , 你不是netball de mehh "
I was shocked and i replied " How you know ? "
I turned and i saw you , at that point .
I was thinking it would be great to have such a senior to train w/ everyday .
I remember i went you house , and we started on .
but the both of us was also attached .
We began to go slacking everyday after school .
Doing stupid and silly stuffs.
But when exams is coming soon .
We began to not meeting so often and texting so often .
Remember that time i got a book in my bag ?
I refused to show you .
Because i wrote every single thing i know about you .
Even when you slept well , your paper today .
Your events after school with who .
I wrote down what i want to do for you .
I wrote what you loved and hated .
I vow to change to be mature .
But i couldnt , sorry .
Because i scared i might forgot everything one day .
Our very first month , finally it came .
I am really very happy for that pink pink present .
I know what i have done is really nothing compared to yours .
Just some candles and a kuku rose ?
I am happy at the time when we were chatting ,
even though i have been bitten from many mosquitoes .
On 4/6/2010
We ended yeah .
I know we both have different views of things .
Maybe it a good thing for both of us ?
You can spend your time with others and do what you liked
I can spend the time to upgrade and improve on myself
And be more mature .
We watched ' Killers ' today , its the first time we sit into a cinema together
even though we have broke up , i am still very happy (:
You seated beside me , i try to peek at you everytime .
I might seems to be very strong , i dont cry easily .
just that i dont want to appear weak in front of others .
I want to be strong and brave .
I dont give in until the last minute .
I thought if i put more efforts in this r/s , i can be higher postion in your heart .
I thought i can understand you .
I thought you really loved me .
I thought you can give up everything for me .
I thought you dont mind about people comments .
I thought i can share your burden , not be part of your burden
I thought fiarytales can come true
Yeah , you are right .
I am really so silly and stupid to believe all these .
I know when you're acting lovely with others , you are purposely making me jealous .
I might look like i dont bothers , but i am thinking what have i done wrong ?
What have i done wrong for you to treat me like this ?
Maybe you wanted me to hate you and forget about you ?
I might be sensitive , but which girl doesnt ?
Sometimes , i dont know what to do .
Now you can cuddle me the next moment you changed .
Sometimes , i asked Joey or others about you .
I really find myself so useless , i dont understands about you .
Everytimes when we are together , i might keep complaining i am bored
but it is just that i want to attract attention from you .
I wanted to understands you well , but your hearts seems to be locked
i can't open it and explored inside . I wish to have the keys to your heart .
What have i done wrong ?
I will improve on it , i will try my best to make you happy .
It is because of my childishness and immaturity thats why we have ended ?
I am already like this when you known me ,
I am really trying very hard to not be .
Why must you give me a hope and when i started to believe it , you crash it all down ?
I think _ _ _ _ _ _ suits you .
I can see that you likes him .
I am uncomparable to you , 我们不配
Standing besides you we dont look matching .
I don't know how to play pool well , play basketball well .
I am childish and immature .
I am not your type .
I can't provide you happiness which others could .
Maybe its better ? All the best .
Thanks for the past 1 month and 13 days ,
I enjoyed it alot .
Thanks for tolerating each other .
I will never shed a tear for love .
Its not your fault or mine so don't apologize :DD
Now morning and evening , i don't think i will receive anymore sms le .
But nevermind , as long as you're happy i am also happy for you !
I don't believe it , if this world had no love and there would not be pains ?
Wouldn't it be so great ?
I hope i have no feelings , to be cold-blooded .
The greater you love , the more you are hurt .
After many setbacks , i have no energy to get back .
I'll never fall in love . I am a failure in love field , no should be failure in life .
There are many feelings in the book . I cant say out .
You might be thinking all i written here is for people to pity me .
No , i have no intention to do it .
I just wanted to let you know how i felt .
I am happy really very happy . I hope you too .
Won't be updating this space because i am really over the moon (:
Hohos , eating my favourite strawberry haagen daz .
Need more topups (:

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