Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I said i would Mia , and i will
posting this to myself ...
Sengkang sec sucks damndamn lots -'-
my class all nerds , i'm the 'paikia'
andandand , many retards asking my no. -.-
my ear stud , anklet , skirt , neckance all tio by FatNeo
She is like Miss Tan in cvps , bitches !!
But hor upper sec many Shuai Ges
After school , dialled Eddie asked him come longbang me
waited him outside school .
Baby , fuxian , eddie came w/o BIKE , Laughsoutloud !
slacked @ playground , dhen theres a "men in white"
asked us to leave , wrote ours names and schs , took pictures
Damndamndamn Fucking god ! Mother flyy laa hor
Sorry Baby && others , for getting your in trouble
In the past when i heard Baby or saw him
i felt happy but this time round is different
He treat me invisble , and neglect me
sometimes i don't feel we're dating , but normal friends
You once promised me that you won't lied to me ,
but promises always broken .
I thought i was the one who understands you the most , but i was wrong
i don't know when you're lying or saying the truth
But you is a good guy , who always cared for ur brothers
but did you ever spared a thought for me ?
I know your mind must be saying , imma flirting with Eddie or others
but did you ever there for me when i need you ?
In the past , you will msg me everyday or call
But now , you seldom msg me not to mention call
i can understand maybe you're busy
Readers , when you're attached will you lyk ur bf/gf be wif you ?
of course , including me .
Wherever i goes , i will jio you but when you go out did you jio me?
if i didn't jio you will you jio me?
Maybe you want to spend time wif your brothers
but can't you sacfrice some of ur precious time to accompany me ?
Did i ask for too much ?
i just wan you to spend time with me , is that simple
Sometimes you ignore me , treating me cold
i didn't say a single word , just watching your playing .
I asked you this sunday what day ? (1 month)
you said you don't know .
I don't blame you , because sometimes you maybe forget
But are you treating this relationship serious? Or toying wif my feelings ?
Baby , i'm sorry if you read this post i'm only saying how i felt
i am praying every night that you will loves me even more ,
hoping we lastlong even different school .
Baby , i apologize for all the wrong doings that i might have done

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